Transit Bipartition

Transit Bipartition

21 January 2025, Tuesday
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Özdoğan
General Surgery, Metabolic Surgery
Mehmet Özdoğan Clinic
Özel Medline Adana Hastanesi Belediye Evleri, Turgut Özal Blv. No:234, 01170 Çukurova/Adana

What is Transit Bipartition Surgery?

Sleeve gastrectomy (stomach tube) + Transit bipartition surgery is a relatively new surgical technique that was first introduced to the scientific world by Sergio Santoro in 2012. Loop Transit Bipartition, on the other hand, is a relatively lower-risk variation, developed with the data obtained from all methods so far, that is at least as effective as other surgeries in the treatment of Type 2 diabetes. The method has been made technically safer. Its biggest advantage is that it causes less vitamin and mineral deficiencies than other malabsorption surgeries. It provides significant improvement in diabetes and other concomitant diseases without disabling the duodenum. However, since it is a relatively new surgery, our information about its long-term effect on diabetes is not yet clear.

How is Loop Transit Bipartition Surgery Performed?

In the first stage of the surgery, it is a gastric sleeve surgery that is slightly wider than the standard. In this way, the hunger hormone (Ghrelin) is reduced. Then, a connection is made from the lower part of the stomach to 250 cm behind the point where the small intestine enters the large intestine. 2/3 of the food in the stomach passes through the newly created passage into the last 250 cm of the small intestine, and the rest passes into the duodenum. The advantages thus obtained are:
1. The permanent weight loss effect is slightly greater than gastric sleeve surgery.
2. Since some of the food continues to pass through the small intestines normally, vitamin and mineral deficiencies are less common.
3. It is a revision method that can be applied much more practically than all other revision surgeries, especially after sleeve gastrectomy surgeries where weight regain is observed.
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